

时间: 来源:足球直播


Hi everyone,


Two wins in the same week, including the ticket to the FA Cup final , have been a boost of confident for the team in order to face with optimism the last five games: two games at home, two more away and the visit to Wembley to close the season.

一周两连胜,其中一场胜利让我们拿到了 足总杯决赛 的门票,这提升了球队的信心,让我们乐观地面对赛季最后5场比赛:2场在主场,2场在客场,还有在温布利的最后一战。

The victory in Bournemouth was important to remain strong in the second spot of the Premier League table. Winning the title must be the goal of Manchester United always but, since we won’t make it this year, we have to keep hold of that second place. The semi-final against Tottenham was the best way to complete a positive week because it gives us the opportunity to play for a very special title. I’ve been so lucky to win it twice and I can tell you that it is something different, in a competition with so much history behind, at Wembley…

赢得伯恩茅斯非常重要,这让我们在联赛第二名的位置更加稳固。赢得联赛冠军永远是曼联的目标,不过,这个赛季我们无法做到了,那我们必须 坐稳 第二。与热刺的足总杯半决赛是结束这积极一周的最好方式,因为这给了我们机会去为一个非常特别的冠军而战。我很幸运已经拿过两次足总杯了,我可以告诉你这真的很特别,这项赛事有着如此悠久的历史,比赛场地是在温布利……

Last Saturday was strangely warm for April, and I saw the trouble that the high temperatures caused in the London marathon the following day. Spurs are always a tough opponent. They are a compact team, with a well-defined football style and very talented players. And they scored first, but we were determined to fight for this title until the end and we came back with goals from Alexis and Ander. We will be back to Wembley in a month, this time against Chelsea, which makes the final even more special for me.

上周六的天气对于4月来说有些太过温暖了,我看到高温给之后一天的伦敦马拉松造成了很多困难。热刺一直很难对付,他们是一支非常紧凑的球队,防守稳固,且拥有非常天才的球员。他们率先进球,不过我们 下定决心 为了足总杯奋战到最后,最终我们靠阿莱克西斯和安德尔的进球反超比分。我们将在一个月后回到温布利,这一次对手是切尔西,这也让决赛对我来说更加特殊了。

This coming weekend we have a big game in the Premier League: Arsenal at Old Trafford. Again, we will have to be at our best to get three important points. This game comes soon after Arsène Wenger’s announcement that he will leave Arsenal after so many years in the club. All my respect and my best wishes to him for the future. As a manager, he is without a doubt a legend in English and world football.


In Spain, the Cup final was won by Barcelona, who didn’t give Sevilla a chance. That’s another title that I’ve been lucky to win. Precisely, the other day marked the tenth anniversary of that final and I really hope that Valencia can play it again in the following seasons. Congratulations to Bara for the title, and to Sevilla for a great tournament.


In England I’m asked every now and then about the fact that the venue for the Cup final in Spain changes every year. Actually, it happens in many other countries too. On the one hand, it’s nice that different cities can enjoy a game like this, although having a fixed venue like Wembley, if there’s unanimity about it, helps to make that place different and special. It’s an interesting debate…

在英格兰, 总是 有人问我西班牙的杯赛每年都换决赛场地的事儿。实际上,在其他很多国家也是如此。一方面来说,不同的城市能享受承办这样的比赛是一件好事,尽管有一座温布利这样的固定场地,每年的比赛都在这里举行,也会让它变得不同、特别。这是一个非常有趣的辩论……

This weekend I don’t want to forget about two teams with great fans: Málaga and Las Palmas. They have been relegated in the last few days but I’m sure that we will see them back in the First Division very soon. All my encouragement to their players and supporters.


I’m signing off now. I hope you have a great week.




Juan Mata



PS: Tim Berg, Avicii, one of the greatest of electronic music, suddenly passed away a few days ago at the age of 28. May he rest in peace.

PS:Tim Berg,也就是Avicii,最伟大的电子音乐人之一,数天前突然离世,他才只有28岁。希望他安息。